Monday, July 11, 2011

There has been a new dog in the house... and ever since..everyone has been calling me my's not that i'm's just he is really really skinny.

In addition, I have overheard them talking about possibly taking me out for jogs to shed some lbs. Are they crazy??? it's 110 degrees! Just put me outside for 5 minutes and I'm sure fat will start melting off..don't make me also run in this heat.

as they say..beware.. there is DIE-T.

and practice safety first.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

This was at my parents engagement party. I gave a touching speech about how when I had gastroenteritis my mom and dad slept by my cage every night and cleaned up after me. Also, that even though I ruined all of the carpet in the house they still love me unconditionally. I will try to be a better dog and try to cuddle more. It's really hot outside now in Texas so maybe this will have to wait until the winter time.